Saturday, June 7, 2008


Pointy toed shoes have been on the dl for a while, will Chloe bring them back with these amazing shoes???
And on the topic of toes of shoes, will Viviennne Westwood bring the square toe back?...I hope not.

Note to self, get floral tights

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Best Day Ever

I finally have a major.

Thank the lord, I've been bumming around this university for far too long.

Go Design/Media Arts!!!

Too happy for words!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Party Time

Went to a birthday party this Thursday. I decided to buy this potentially very tacky top because it reminded me of a Luis Vuitton print circa A/W 07. And for seven dollars I thought I could afford to have a questionable red leopard print blouse. Also its very flowy/drapy, which I love.

Anyway thats my room. In all its flourescent lighting glory. Bleh.

In other news, for about twenty four hours I was enteraining the idea of being homeless next year as we found out that no apartments were available where we were planning to live in the past three months. However, the stars alligned this morning and we got a place! Thank the lord. Now I need to find subletters...

I also went to the Graduate Art students open studios a few days ago. A lot of the work was very good, espcially my current TA's work. I love her painting style! A lot of it, though...was questionable at best. At some point one girl performed the Velvet Underground's "Venus in Furs" on a karaoke machine dressed up as Anne Frank.

...Yeah, I don't know. Much of it was beyond my understanding. Its possible that she was drunk, wine was flowing rather freely the whole evening.

Oh!!! And the coolest thing about that whole get-together was the fact that LUCY LIU showed up!!! How random, she complemented the work of my TA from last quarter. I wouldn't have taken her for a contemporary art lover. Haha, and I accidentally touched her, I'm never taking a shower again. She's so tiny!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

H&M Fall 2008.
I have to start saving up now!
Ok, one more ebay purchase.
All photos from

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

While I should have spent my weekend writing a ten page paper, I was instead hanging out with strange kids and dogs...and now I'm writing my paper.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Numero Uno

My first post.
There is a shitload of people in my room doing God knows what.
This blog will generally about fashion, style, art, and other things I am interested in.